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Submit a Recipe

We want to hear how you take your recipes to the next level using Bell’s products.

From croutons in your summer salad to seasoning in your Bloody Mary, show off your culinary skills by submitting a recipe to share with the Bell's community.

Submit a Recipe
Please put each ingredient on its own line.
Please put each step on its own line.
When you submit your recipe, it will be reviewed before being posted to the website. If we have any questions, we will contact you via email. Please be sure to crop your photo to be square.
This email will only be used to contact you with questions regarding your submission.

Please note: by submitting a recipe to the Bell's website to share with the Bell's community, you are also giving permission for that recipe to be used on Bell's marketing materials as well.

Bell’s Foods LLC 
Greenwich, CT 06830
[email protected]

If you cook it, they will come

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